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Working Towards a Bright Future for UniverCity on Burnaby Mountain
We acknowledge and are grateful to grow and learn on the ancestral and unceded homelands of the hÉ™nÌ“qÌ“É™minÌ“É™mÌ“ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples.

Who We Are
We're a volunteer organization made up to people who live in UniverCity. We love this community, and we work to make it a thriving, safe, friendly and interesting place.
We do this by advocating for the interests of the community, keeping residents informed, helping people connect with each other, hosting events, and more.
Each UniverCity strata has a representative to the Community Association. These representatives meet every few months to discuss community issues and steer the UCA's activities. They also elect directors who carry out the day-to-day work. The directors and strata reps work together with other community volunteers to achieve our goals.
Would you like to get involved with the community association? As a 100% volunteer-run organization, we rely completely on the participation of community members. We are have a variety of volunteer opportunities year-round. Email to connect.
Read our constitution and bylaws here.
Find out more about our activities by reading our 2021/22 Year in Review report.
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